Simmons Orientation Simmons-Data Form and Policies Step 1 of 12 8% DATA FORM AND POLICIES FOR SIMMONS FOODSTEC Staffing Employee Name:* Shift*1st2ndStart Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The following orientation forms are attached:* I have received all orientation forms.✓ Employee Profile ✓ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ✓ Lock Out/Tag Out Zero Tolerance ✓ Drug-Free Workplace ✓ Sexual Harassment ✓ Good Manufacturing Practices (GPM’S) ✓ Food Safety & Defense ✓ Policy Acknowledgement ✓ PVP Training Documentation & Quiz ✓ COVID-19 Affirmation COVID-191. Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus) or had any contact with a diagnosed or confirmed case of COVID-19?*YesNo2. Have you or someone you have had contact with returned from, or made a connection through a COVID-19 level 3 or Level 2 country in the last 14 days?*YesNo3. Do you have, or have you had in the last 24 hours any cold, cough or flu symptoms which included a fever greater than 100.4?*YesNoName* First Last Please type name for electronic signature.* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Temporary Employee ProfileStart Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Employment Agency Name* First Middle Last Last 4 of Social Security Number*Please enter a number from 0000 to 9999.Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Email Gender*MaleFemaleMarital Status*SingleMarriedRace* Mailing Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Emergency Contact* First Last Emergency Contact Phone*Emergency Contact Relationship* Van Buren Main / South Processing PlantPersonal Protection Equipment (PPE) PolicyAnyone who performs a job or task must wear the proper PPE as determined by the Job Hazard Analysis – PPE Assessment. Anyone who fails to wear or use the proper PPE will receive disciplinary action to include suspension and/or termination. Any supervisor who instructs an employee or allows an employee to perform a job or task without the required PPE will be subject to this same disciplinary action.*Anyone who performs a job or task must wear the proper PPE as determined by the Job Hazard Analysis – PPE Assessment. Anyone who fails to wear or use the proper PPE will receive disciplinary action to include suspension and/or termination. Any supervisor who instructs an employee or allows an employee to perform a job or task without the required PPE will be subject to this same disciplinary action. I agree to the PPE PolicyType in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY LOCKOUT/TAGOUT ZERO TOLERANCE*Simmons Foods, Inc. mandates that the personal safety and health of each employee of the Company is of primary importance. The prevention of injuries and illnesses is of such consequence that it will be given precedence over operating productivity whenever necessary. This memo is a reminder that the Company enforces a ZERO TOLERANCE rule for anyone who knowingly or recklessly disregards to follow or use proper Lockout/Tagout procedures. The same applies to anyone who knowingly or recklessly allows others to perform work in such a hazardous manner. All violators of the Lockout/Tagout policy will be suspended until an investigation is completed. The consequence will be IMMEDIATE TERMINATION in all situations, whether injury occurs or not, unless extenuating circumstances warrant a negligent and unintentional action. By signing this memo, you are acknowledging that you understand that you must strictly abide by the Lockout/Tag out policy, and that you are fully aware that ZERO TOLERANCE means IMMEDIATE TERMINATION. I agree to the LOCKOUT/TAGOUT ZERO TOLERANCE PolicyType in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Statement of a Drug-Free WorkplaceAffirmation of Policy*1. Our company is committed to protecting the safety, health and well being of all employees and visitors in the workplace. We recognize that alcohol abuse and drug use pose a significant threat to our goals. The Company has established a drug-free workplace program that balances our respect for individuals with the need to maintain an alcohol and drug free environment. 2. The Company encourages employees to voluntarily seek help with drug and alcohol problems under the Company offered Employee Assistance Program. 3. Furthermore, as an employer receiving Federal contracts and/or grants, the Company is expressly required to maintain a drug free workplace environment under the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act. 4. Therefore, it is the Company’s position that our working environment shall be free of the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession and/or use of illegal and controlled drugs. It shall be a condition of continued employment that all employees must be drug free in the workplace, thus making it possible for Simmons, as an employer, to certify in good faith that it maintains a drug free work environment. 5. The illegal use, sale, trade, offer, or possession of drugs and/or alcohol during working hours or while on Company property is strictly prohibited. Employees may not work nor report to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Employees who violate this policy will be terminated. 6. The policy includes, but is not limited to C.O.O., executive management, all full-time employees, part-time employees, off-site employees, temporary workers, interns, contractors, and applicants. Vendors, contractors, and visitors who violate this policy will be asked to leave the premises immediately and may be prohibited from returning in the future pending an investigation. In addition to this Policy, Company truck drivers will continue to be subject to the Company’s Department of Transportation Drug/Alcohol Policy. 7. Those covered under this policy will be required to participate in drug and alcohol testing that can include pre-employment, random, periodic, post-accident, reasonable suspicion/for cause, workers compensation, return to duty, and departmental/facility. Methods of Company testing referred to in this policy as “test”, may include a urine quick screen, saliva swab, hair follicle analysis, blood, and breathalyzer. 8. Any employee who is convicted of a criminal drug/alcohol violation must notify the People Services Director in writing within five (5) calendar days of the conviction. The Company will take appropriate action within thirty (30) days of notification. Federal contracting agencies will be notified when appropriate. 9. Prescription Drugs, those prescribed by a physician for treatment of illness or disease, are permitted provided the employee advises the Company if he/she is using prescribed drugs that may impact the employee’s ability to work. 10. The Company reserves the right to test individuals who are on Worker’s Compensation on a monthly basis. A positive screen, or refusal to take the test, will result in termination, as well as a potential denial of continuing Worker’s Compensation benefits. 11. Violations of the policy or refusal to submit to a drug/alcohol test will be cause for disciplinary action, including termination of employment. I hereby certify that I have received, read, and understand the above “Statement of a Drug-Free Workplace” for Simmons Foods, Inc. and affiliates. I acknowledge this policy statement as a condition of continued employment or business with Simmons. I furthermore acknowledge that I have read the full Drug and Alcohol Policy and will follow all terms and conditions.Type in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Acknowledgement of Receipt: ZERO TOLERANCE Sexual Harassment PolicyIt is the policy of Simmons Foods, Inc. Et al (hereafter “Company”) that all employees are responsible for ensuring that the workplace is free from sexual harassment. Because of the company’s strong disapproval of offensive or inappropriate sexual behavior at work, all employees must avoid any action or conduct which could be viewed as sexual harassment, including, but not limited to, the following: A. Unwelcome sexual advances; B. Requests for sexual acts or favors; C. Telling off-colored jokes; D. Any unnecessary touching including grabbing, pinching, bumping, squeezing, hugging, rubbing shoulders, blocking aisles, etc; E. Using demeaning or inappropriate terms, such as babe, stud, etc. F. Using indecent gestures; G. Invading personal space; H. Not stopping any behavior immediately when asked to do so. Innocent behavior to one person can be offensive and unwelcome by another. Any employee who believes he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment or witnesses another employee being subject to harassment at work should bring the problem to the immediate attention or People Services. All complaints will be handled promptly, and the privacy of each employee will be carefully protected to the extent possible. No retaliation will be taken against any person reporting such harassment. If sexual harassment is found to exist, appropriate action will be taken. Those employees who are found to have engaged in sexual harassment will be subject to termination.*It is the policy of Simmons Foods, Inc. Et al (hereafter “Company”) that all employees are responsible for ensuring that the workplace is free from sexual harassment. Because of the company’s strong disapproval of offensive or inappropriate sexual behavior at work, all employees must avoid any action or conduct which could be viewed as sexual harassment, including, but not limited to, the following: A. Unwelcome sexual advances; B. Requests for sexual acts or favors; C. Telling off-colored jokes; D. Any unnecessary touching including grabbing, pinching, bumping, squeezing, hugging, rubbing shoulders, blocking aisles, etc; E. Using demeaning or inappropriate terms, such as babe, stud, etc. F. Using indecent gestures; G. Invading personal space; H. Not stopping any behavior immediately when asked to do so. Innocent behavior to one person can be offensive and unwelcome by another. Any employee who believes he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment or witnesses another employee being subject to harassment at work should bring the problem to the immediate attention or People Services. All complaints will be handled promptly, and the privacy of each employee will be carefully protected to the extent possible. No retaliation will be taken against any person reporting such harassment. If sexual harassment is found to exist, appropriate action will be taken. Those employees who are found to have engaged in sexual harassment will be subject to termination. I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand the Sexual Harassment Policy.Type in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Van Buren Main / South Processing GMP’s for Visitors, Contractors and MaintenanceThe following Good Manufacturing Practices are in place for the safety and quality of the products produced at the Southwest City facility:* GUM AND GUM CHEWING IS PROHIBITED IN THE FACILITY AND ON THE GROUNDS. 1) Before entering a production area, all jewelry, except wedding bands without stone settings needs to be removed (watches necklaces, earrings, etc…). 2) Finger Nail polish is prohibited from use by our employees, if you are a visitor with nail polish you must put on a set of gloves before entering a production area. 3) A smock or apron must cover all street clothing before entering a production area. If you are in an area that you will be in direct contact with product or ingredients then plastic sleeves must be worn or smock/apron sleeves must be rolled up above the elbow. 4) Hearing protection and proper footwear is mandatory in our production areas. 5) All non-employees (visitors) in the processing areas are required to wear proper apron, hairnets (covering all hair), and beard net (covering beards). 6) All personal items (purses, bags, etc) are to be kept out of the processing areas and stored in a secure area. They are not to be left on the apron/smock racks. 7) All non-employees (visitors) are to refrain from chewing gum, using smokeless tobacco, eating or drinking while in a production area. 8) This is a non-smoking facility; there are specific areas outside the plant if you need to smoke. 9) Smocks are not to be worn outside, or in the bathrooms for any reason. 10) Hands and gloves must be cleaned upon entering the production areas with an antibacterial soap and completely rinsed with water. 11) If for any reason you touch or handle anything that has been in contact with the floor, you must wash your hands and gloves following the proper protocol for hand washing. 12) Acknowledge that all processes, equipment and product specifications are unique, and it is understood that this information is to be held in the strictest confidence as confidential commercial trade secrets of Simmons Foods. 13) For your safety we ask that you refrain from coming into contact with any equipment on the production floor. 14) The use of recording devices that capture photos, video or audio while on Simmons Prepared Foods, Inc. Property or within the plant is prohibited without advance written permission from the facilities Operations Manager. 15) There may be allergens present in the facility. 16) Any personal articles, tool boxes, coolers/lunch pails, vehicles or other storage containers may be subject to search upon exiting the facility or grounds. 17) At all times visitors/contractors will be in the presence of an authorized person while in production areas. 18) All Employees, visitors, and contractors entering areas where there may be a risk to product safety must not be suffering from, or have had contact with an infectious disease that could contaminate product. Any individual with this type of health issue must see the Company Health Official for clearance prior to entering the facility. Diseases of concern are outlined in the Model Food Code. Examples include but are not limited to: Norovirus, Hepatitis A, Shigella, Enterohemmorrhagic or Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (EHEC or STEC), or Salmonella Typhi.” I understand that Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Personal Hygiene is vital to the safety of our products. I will follow all rules that I have been instructed to follow in the preceding document:Type in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Safety Instructions to All Employees1. Report all injuries or incidents to your supervisor immediately, no matter how slight they may seem. (If your supervisor is not available, report to another member of management.) Failure to report injuries could result in loss of Workers’ Compensation coverage. 2. Be thoughtful and orderly in your conduct. Many injuries are the result of “horseplay.” Horseplay is grounds for immediate termination. 3. Always use the safety devices provided by the company for your protection. Failure to use safety equipment could lead to discipline, up to and including termination. 4. Do everything possible at all times to avoid injuring yourself or others. 5. Be safety conscious. Look for workplace hazards. Give your supervisor suggestions for improving safety. 6. If injured on the job, you must secure permission beforehand to attend a physician when the company is responsible for payment. You must notify the plant nurse or the personnel office (exception for emergencies). 7. Failure to follow all safety policies or rules will result in disciplinary action, including the possibility of immediate termination.*1. Report all injuries or incidents to your supervisor immediately, no matter how slight they may seem. (If your supervisor is not available, report to another member of management.) Failure to report injuries could result in loss of Workers’ Compensation coverage. 2. Be thoughtful and orderly in your conduct. Many injuries are the result of “horseplay.” Horseplay is grounds for immediate termination. 3. Always use the safety devices provided by the company for your protection. Failure to use safety equipment could lead to discipline, up to and including termination. 4. Do everything possible at all times to avoid injuring yourself or others. 5. Be safety conscious. Look for workplace hazards. Give your supervisor suggestions for improving safety. 6. If injured on the job, you must secure permission beforehand to attend a physician when the company is responsible for payment. You must notify the plant nurse or the personnel office (exception for emergencies). 7. Failure to follow all safety policies or rules will result in disciplinary action, including the possibility of immediate termination. I have read (or had explained to me), and agree to observe the safety instructions set forth above.Type in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY FOOD SECURITY PROGRAM EMPLOYEE TRAININGSimmons’ Foods, Inc. is committed to providing the highest quality products to our customers and the communities in which we serve. Maintaining this quality of service demands that we monitor the environment in which we work to ensure a safe and secure workplace. In an effort to fulfill our obligations, Simmons has adopted the following security measures for our employees to follow: • No unauthorized personnel will be allowed on plant grounds or within the plant without obtaining a visitors pass. Friends and family of employees will not be allowed to pass beyond the front entrance welcome center. • Employees are not permitted in areas that are not authorized or required by the employee’s job. Particular areas of sensitivity include: engine room, boiler room, roof, wastewater, chemical room, dry storage or security stations. Employees should seek permission from his/her supervisor before entering an unauthorized area. • Employees are to enter the building by designated entrances and exits only. Leaving/entering through a fire exit (with the exception of an emergency situation) or external doors in the production area will result in prompt disciplinary action. External doors are not to be left unlocked or propped open. • Employees should report any evidence of product tampering (removal of labels, USDA tags, opened and resealed materials, suspicious holes or tears, product discolorations, etc.) to their supervisor immediately. • Employees will report any missing stock or other irregularities to their immediate supervisor. The supervisor will immediately report the missing stock and or other irregularities and complete a Suspicious Activity Report that can be obtained from the Safety Director. • Knives, firearms or personal weaponry of any kind are prohibited on company property. • Glass containers (full or empty) are not permitted in production areas or break rooms. Beverages and food items must be stored in aluminum or plastic containers. • Suspicious activities around the plant areas to include potential break-ins, vandalism, frequent drive-bys, unauthorized parking, and possible drug or alcohol consumption must be reported to a supervisor, manager, or member of security. Additional suspicious activities on behalf of employees such as entrance of suspicious materials into the plant, willful destruction of company property or unusual behavior should be reported to a member of management or security immediately. Unusual behavior can be further defined as employees who stay late past their shift, arrive unusually early, attempt to access sensitive areas outside of his/her responsibility, attempt to remove confidential documents from the facility or attempt to video record or take snap shots of sensitive areas. • Personal items are prohibited in production areas. Only the following designated personal items are allowed in the plant to be stored in the lockers: lunch containers, individual coolers, purses, pouches, wallets, prescription medications, coats, changes of clothing and/or items necessary to meet daily personal hygiene needs. Individuals must report to People Services for permission to bring additional items to the plant. • Employee cell phones are only allowable for use in break rooms. They are not permitted in production areas. • Use of cameras and / or recording devices are prohibited for use by employees unless written approval has been granted individually by the Facility Operations Manager. • Consumption of alcohol or controlled substances on company premises will result in immediate termination. This applies to employees on the premises who may be off-duty as well as those currently working assigned shifts. • The Food Defense Plan is a program to protect Simmons employees and products from intentional contamination which may harm our people or our customers. • Employees should report any evidence of product tampering (removal of labels, USDA tags, opened and resealed materials, suspicious holes or tears, product discolorations, etc.) to their supervisor immediately. • Any employee caught tampering with products will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Anyone caught tampering with food products may also be subject to criminal prosecution.*Simmons’ Foods, Inc. is committed to providing the highest quality products to our customers and the communities in which we serve. Maintaining this quality of service demands that we monitor the environment in which we work to ensure a safe and secure workplace. In an effort to fulfill our obligations, Simmons has adopted the following security measures for our employees to follow: • No unauthorized personnel will be allowed on plant grounds or within the plant without obtaining a visitors pass. Friends and family of employees will not be allowed to pass beyond the front entrance welcome center. • Employees are not permitted in areas that are not authorized or required by the employee’s job. Particular areas of sensitivity include: engine room, boiler room, roof, wastewater, chemical room, dry storage or security stations. Employees should seek permission from his/her supervisor before entering an unauthorized area. • Employees are to enter the building by designated entrances and exits only. Leaving/entering through a fire exit (with the exception of an emergency situation) or external doors in the production area will result in prompt disciplinary action. External doors are not to be left unlocked or propped open. • Employees should report any evidence of product tampering (removal of labels, USDA tags, opened and resealed materials, suspicious holes or tears, product discolorations, etc.) to their supervisor immediately. • Employees will report any missing stock or other irregularities to their immediate supervisor. The supervisor will immediately report the missing stock and or other irregularities and complete a Suspicious Activity Report that can be obtained from the Safety Director. • Knives, firearms or personal weaponry of any kind are prohibited on company property. • Glass containers (full or empty) are not permitted in production areas or break rooms. Beverages and food items must be stored in aluminum or plastic containers. • Suspicious activities around the plant areas to include potential break-ins, vandalism, frequent drive-bys, unauthorized parking, and possible drug or alcohol consumption must be reported to a supervisor, manager, or member of security. Additional suspicious activities on behalf of employees such as entrance of suspicious materials into the plant, willful destruction of company property or unusual behavior should be reported to a member of management or security immediately. Unusual behavior can be further defined as employees who stay late past their shift, arrive unusually early, attempt to access sensitive areas outside of his/her responsibility, attempt to remove confidential documents from the facility or attempt to video record or take snap shots of sensitive areas. • Personal items are prohibited in production areas. Only the following designated personal items are allowed in the plant to be stored in the lockers: lunch containers, individual coolers, purses, pouches, wallets, prescription medications, coats, changes of clothing and/or items necessary to meet daily personal hygiene needs. Individuals must report to People Services for permission to bring additional items to the plant. • Employee cell phones are only allowable for use in break rooms. They are not permitted in production areas. • Use of cameras and / or recording devices are prohibited for use by employees unless written approval has been granted individually by the Facility Operations Manager. • Consumption of alcohol or controlled substances on company premises will result in immediate termination. This applies to employees on the premises who may be off-duty as well as those currently working assigned shifts. • The Food Defense Plan is a program to protect Simmons employees and products from intentional contamination which may harm our people or our customers. • Employees should report any evidence of product tampering (removal of labels, USDA tags, opened and resealed materials, suspicious holes or tears, product discolorations, etc.) to their supervisor immediately. • Any employee caught tampering with products will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Anyone caught tampering with food products may also be subject to criminal prosecution. As an employee of Simmons Foods, Inc., I have completed annual food security training. I understand that failure to comply with the recommendations set forth by my employer will result in disciplinary action up to and/or including termination.Type in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Policy AcknowledgementInappropriate Employee Relationships It is against Company Policy for any married employee to establish extramarital relationships with any other Company employee. It is also against policy for any unmarried Supervisor/Manager to develop an inappropriate relationship with an employee under his/her supervision. If a potential relationship develops, the Supervisor/Manager and employee should speak with the Human Resources Manager immediately to request a transfer for one, or both, of the employees. Disregard or violation of this policy can subject a person to immediate discipline up to and including termination. Nepotism While the Company normally encourages and supports the employment of relatives, there are certain conditions that must be considered before employing relatives. Relatives of Company employees will not be hired or promoted into positions where they might have direct supervisory responsibility over the existing employee, or be directly supervised by the related employee. When relatives of any level of management are hired where there could be a perceived conflict of interest due to outside or business relationships, notification should be provided to the Sr. Vice President of Human Resources by the Hiring Manager or Human Resources Manager. Any exception to this policy will require written approval from the Chief Executive Officer (For the purpose of this policy, relatives will be defined as: spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle or any in-laws.) Camera Usage Simmons does not allow unauthorized filming or taking photos of Company property, products or processes. Due to the possible proprietary information being inadvertently divulged, this policy will be strictly enforced. Any unauthorized use of cameras in/on Company property is strictly prohibited. Employees using cameras or filming Company processes or facilities without appropriate authorization will be subject to immediate termination. Any outside company or individual taking or attempting to take pictures or film something without authorization should be advised to stop. The activity should also be reported to the facility manager and the home office.*Inappropriate Employee Relationships It is against Company Policy for any married employee to establish extramarital relationships with any other Company employee. It is also against policy for any unmarried Supervisor/Manager to develop an inappropriate relationship with an employee under his/her supervision. If a potential relationship develops, the Supervisor/Manager and employee should speak with the Human Resources Manager immediately to request a transfer for one, or both, of the employees. Disregard or violation of this policy can subject a person to immediate discipline up to and including termination. Nepotism While the Company normally encourages and supports the employment of relatives, there are certain conditions that must be considered before employing relatives. Relatives of Company employees will not be hired or promoted into positions where they might have direct supervisory responsibility over the existing employee, or be directly supervised by the related employee. When relatives of any level of management are hired where there could be a perceived conflict of interest due to outside or business relationships, notification should be provided to the Sr. Vice President of Human Resources by the Hiring Manager or Human Resources Manager. Any exception to this policy will require written approval from the Chief Executive Officer (For the purpose of this policy, relatives will be defined as: spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle or any in-laws.) Camera Usage Simmons does not allow unauthorized filming or taking photos of Company property, products or processes. Due to the possible proprietary information being inadvertently divulged, this policy will be strictly enforced. Any unauthorized use of cameras in/on Company property is strictly prohibited. Employees using cameras or filming Company processes or facilities without appropriate authorization will be subject to immediate termination. Any outside company or individual taking or attempting to take pictures or film something without authorization should be advised to stop. The activity should also be reported to the facility manager and the home office. I have read the policies above and understand that disregard for, or violation of these can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. I agree that I will abide by and enforce these policies.Type in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY PERSONAL HYGIENE CONCERNING ILLNESS IN THE PRODUCTION AREAMeeting Objectives Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s) are essential to food handling. To prevent the likelihood of food borne disease transmission, including the date of onset of jaundice or of an illness specified below. PERSONAL HYGIENE CONCERNING ILLNESS A) The first rule you must follow is never go to work whenever you may be contagious with bacteria that can be transmitted through food. Some common infectious diseases that can be transmitted through food include: Salmonella typhi, Shingella ssp, SHINGA TOXIN-PRODUCING Escherichia coli (STEC), Enterhemmorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), Hepatitis A, Norovirus B) Employees are required to report if they have been diagnosed with any of the following diseases and/or symptoms to the health care professional at the facility: a. Salmonella Typhi, b. Shingella spp., c. SHINGA TOXIN-PRODUCING Escherichia coli (STEC) d. Enterhemmorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) e. Hepatitis A virus f. Norovirus g. Tuberculosis C) The symptoms and High Risk conditions have been explained to me. D) If you have any questions please contact the Plant Nurse.*Meeting Objectives Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s) are essential to food handling. To prevent the likelihood of food borne disease transmission, including the date of onset of jaundice or of an illness specified below. PERSONAL HYGIENE CONCERNING ILLNESS A) The first rule you must follow is never go to work whenever you may be contagious with bacteria that can be transmitted through food. Some common infectious diseases that can be transmitted through food include: Salmonella typhi, Shingella ssp, SHINGA TOXIN-PRODUCING Escherichia coli (STEC), Enterhemmorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), Hepatitis A, Norovirus B) Employees are required to report if they have been diagnosed with any of the following diseases and/or symptoms to the health care professional at the facility: a. Salmonella Typhi, b. Shingella spp., c. SHINGA TOXIN-PRODUCING Escherichia coli (STEC) d. Enterhemmorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) e. Hepatitis A virus f. Norovirus g. Tuberculosis C) The symptoms and High Risk conditions have been explained to me. D) If you have any questions please contact the Plant Nurse. I have read the policies above and understand that disregard for, or violation of these can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. I agree that I will abide by and enforce these policies.Type in your name for electronic signature.* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY